Page name: Warriors of the Feather [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-11 23:33:22
Last author: Blakkduv
Owner: Blakkduv
# of watchers: 7
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The Deadwood Company

A company of soldiers based souly on a dense lumber that is nearly industructable. Their leader started the company to harvest the wood in order to achieve city growth, but he realized that far bigger things can be done. He soon noticed that the wood was a good bargening tool and was a good weapon. So now he has recruted a massive army to take over the world. But first he has to stop the Warriors of the Feather to do that. Their resons for taking over the world is unknown.

Warriors Of The Feather

Warriors of the Feather is a ninja clan founded by three brothers that had harnest the power of the soul feather(a magic feather able to augment the beholder with a power unique to the feather, But on the down side if their soul feather is destroyed, so are they). But they soon noticed that the bird that had provided the feather was begining to die out do to the constant harvest of Deadwood wich was their nesting area. And now with the knowlege that the dead wood company wants to take over the world, they feel it is their duty to stop the Dead wood Company

The freelancers

The freelancers are the mercenaries that side on whom ever they feel they want to. Although alot of the decition making is based on money and rewards, Some mercs are keen to follow their consience.

The city of Fante

The city of Fante is the biggest city in the world, holding over 150,000,000 people along with the many, many tourists that come to the city to get a peice of the Fante dream as the call it. It is the reason that Deadwood trees are being cut down. It is also a common battle grounds for The Deadwood company, And the Warriors of the Feather. The city of Fante police department (F.P.D.) Is trying there best to stop the constant fights between them.

Which side are you on?

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2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: hello!

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: ya sure put your name by it!

Dont want you not to get credit.

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: yay! ok.^ ^

2007-06-06 [tiragon]: i'm currently working on a banner for us

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: Sweet!

an early contributer.

I made the one up there in paint in about 5 minutes

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: wow. hey, the cover is up.

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: huh? what cover

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: for the comic.nevermind, i took it off. the first page is up now. im first putting them up in my art wiki, and then ill put them here.^ ^'

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: I saw that!

That was hecka good.

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: thanks.^ ^

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: Are you going to sent in a character for this?

Characters welcome!

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: oops...

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: no prob if you dont want to. if you just want to watch thats fine.

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: no, ill put up a pic of her, if it ok.

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: arent you sending in a bio?

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: ...ill go do that now....

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: just go to the character bio page for the outline

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: ...can you send me the password?

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: Just send the bio to me and i'll post it

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: ok.

2007-06-06 [tiragon]: so who is playing what?

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: im not playing....*cries*

2007-06-06 [tiragon]: why not?

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: aww i'm sry.

You can watch and read if you like.

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: ok.

2007-06-07 [tiragon]: so when we gonna start?

2007-06-09 [Artsy]: can't we start cap'n?

2007-06-09 [Blakkduv]: We need the third brother

Any of you want to do the third brother?

2007-06-09 [Artsy]: *shakes head* can't, if someone comes along and wants it, don't want it to already be made..

2007-06-09 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...i could...maybe.

2007-06-09 [Kai Crewger]: sweet. looks pretty cool.

2007-06-09 [Blakkduv]: Thx! send me a bio if you want to join.

2007-06-09 [Kai Crewger]: I will ^_^ But I gotta run some errands, so I'll get back as soon as I can

2007-06-09 [Blakkduv]: Oh crap. I have to go now.

If we get enough charies we can start at night.

2007-06-09 [Kai Crewger]: I could do the third bro, if you want

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: Started FINALY!

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-06-10 [Lin-tastic]:'re still accepting characters, I hope...^_^''

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: yup! we need more!!! we lust for more.... ahh!

2007-06-10 [Lin-tastic]: You should watch Genevir Solira and Draon Menik because they'll be two characters for this RPG. ^_^

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: Are you sure. cuz there are only humans and advanced humans in this wiki. And magic is from feathers not elvan magic.

2007-06-10 [Lin-tastic]: Hun, that's why there's a bio for elvan magic and a second bio under that to other ones. I'm still making the female and haven't started on the male, I'm just letting you know that both will link to my characters...understand?

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: oh! haha sry.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: hello.

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: hello

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: Hola! ^_^

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: comostas amego

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: No, no dice esta.

'¿Como estas, amiga?'

Esta es como se dice how are you en español, mi amigo. ^_^

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: I DONT KNOW!!! *cries* haha whats up.

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: I said:
No, you don't say that.

'How are you, friend?'

That is how you say 'how are you' in Spanish, my friend.

^_^ Understand?

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: haha.

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: I took two years of Spanish. You think I'd know that, right? Lol. How have you been? Did you see my characters? They're not even close, but hey, I'm getting to them. ^_^

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Hehe. Progress is progress they say... I hate they.

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm.. this does look rather interesting. O.o

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: I do plan on joining...^_^ I've listed both wiki pages where my characters will be held, unless you feel the need for me to PM you with the profiles themselves...^_^ I can do both.

I do hope you join, miss Black Cat. ^_^ You had said Feline Magick was your kind of wiki but you did not join. V.V I feel sad for the lack of a player. ^_^

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I did say that and I'm terribly sorry for not joining. I'm actually trying to cut back on how many rp's I join because I'm already a part of so many. ^^' And a lot of them are dying, so I'm also preoccupied in trying to save a few of them. -.-'

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: well cat, i've only had the first wiki i was in truly die, and that was an accident ^^'' i'm a fricken medic with rps, don't worry, this'll stay alive

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Very well.. I supposeI should start on a character then, hmm? ^^

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: yesh! *huggles tight*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: I'm one to keep things alive, as well...from the looks of things, I'm sure that with three or more people willing to keep this thing alive, I'm sure we'll be fine, especially if we all know how busy our schedules must be. ^_^

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Oh yes. ^^ But, I'm curious.. which group shall I join? O.o

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: up to you, i'm free lance but, as soon as i entered, practically, i was snatched and taken to the dead wood base so.. i'm doomed ^^'' unless i can manage to seduce the boss's son.. >.> lol

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: I've yet to choose, as well...When I get to it, I'm sure I'll join the one that fits. I would prefer two characters, one male, one female...normally when I do that, I play them as brother/sister so I don't go all romantic on myself. ^_^''

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: if i play a boy and a girl, odds are they are on different sides, or at least sibling esk friends... usually they argue tho, one angry and sort of mean.. or really mean, the other subordinate and understanding

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nods* good thinking. ^^ I think I may make a female... a merc... maybe.. >.>

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: Merc? /:S I'm confused...

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: mercenary

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Cool! we need more Deadwood also

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: I'm back after 10 mins hehe

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: soooooooooooooooooooooo bored.

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: sorry.. hehe.. I'm gonna get working on that charrie now. ^^'

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *eats a peep*

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *bops kid on the head* damn you

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *gives Armor a peep in fear*

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *takes and stuffs it into your mouth* i don't want your dang peep!

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Living, why are you being so mean? O.O'

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Ya *hides behind black cat*

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *turns into chibi and waddles over to kid, hugging his shin* i'm bored... *looks up with big teary eyes*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -turns into a pretty white kitty with a red tipped tail, red socked feet, and red accented face and begins to run around Cat, Kid, and LA- Chase me! Chase me!

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: AWWWW KITTY!! *chases candycane* =D

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *throughs a peep at her*

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *hides between kids legs as a chibi, looking scared*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -runs from Cat, dodges the peep, and stops just before the chibi LA and licks her face before jumping up and runnign again- why isn't anyone else chasing me?

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *starts crying*

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *chases candy* KITTY COME BACK!!! :3

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -runs back to LA and sits with a tilted head- Are you okay? -lightly licks her cheek in hopes to make LA smile and curls up around the chibi's legs purring-

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *cries harder*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *watches eating peeps and sitting on LA*

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *points at kid and growls* DON'T SIT ON HER!! ><' YOU'RE MAKING HER CRY! *picks up chibi living and cradles her* there there.. what can mommy Cat do to make you smile? ^^

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *continues crying, scrubbing her tears on her cheeks away with her chibi arms*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: what evs...*eats 2 peeps at once.

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: C'mon, baby living, what do you want? You wanna cookie? A lollipop? *smiles and bounces living on her knee* ^^

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *reaches out in chibi anger and grabs kid's hair, jerking him around violently with little arm*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: AHHHHH! GET HER OFF!

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *calmly pulls living's hand off kid's hair* now, now, living, that's no way to solve your problems. You need this. *hands living a ball-pean hammer* XD

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -turns back into a human and manages to loosen LA's grip letting kid go; picks up LA and sets her down on a random table- Now, what do you want? Use your words. -motherly tone and very stern, but lovingly-

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *starts crying again with new gusto*

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I told you! Let her have the hammer! *offers it to living*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: (i'm posting on two three pages hehe) *throughs a peep into the mix.*

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *continues crying, petulantly pushing the hammer away and continues crying*

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmmm... O.o Want a... bomb? ^^ *offers bomb and matches*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -hugs LA tightly so she can't squirm-

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *cries harder from suffocation*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Be back later guys

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: That's not helping, candy! O.O'

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -loosens grip, but doesn't stop hugging; begins to hum a lullaby-

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *sniffles and sputters, still teary*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -continues humming, which turns into actual words being sung-

A la nanita nana nanita ella nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea

A la nanita nana nanita ella nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea

Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balansea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella

A la nanita nana nanita ella nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea

Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balansea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Bobs head.

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: (lol)

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: wow, candy that's a very pretty song. ^^ *was asleep*

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: is from cheetah girls *sniffles* i hate stuff that's main stream

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Main stream plain pream.... thats what I say. *eats a peep*

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm... Yeah..

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: yup

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: I'm making a new society.

the city of Fante police department FPD

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: coo

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: Hey! Just because they sing it in that stupid movie doesn't mean I learned about it there...I was researching something for spanish lullabies and that came up...^_^

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *sniffles, getting teary eyed again and starts crying loudly again*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: haha

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: dammit! ><' *picks up Living and swings her around in wide circles* ^^ whee! This is fun, ain't it?

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *throws another peep*

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *giggles, still teary faced*

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: *watches amused*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *throws a peep at tiragon's head.*

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *continues spinning with Living* wheeeee!! ^^

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: weeeeeee! *giggles more*

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: *dodges the peep* did you just throw a peep at me? *incredulous*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -sits down between tiragon and kid- LA's so weird...Why didn't a hug work, I wonder...-begins thinking-

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: She's immune...

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: s'very true... *grabs kid's hair and starts jerking him around violently again with chibi arm*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -curses hug-immune people; steals the box of peeps from kid and eats one before shoving it through a paper shredder which gets gunked up and sends random pieces of peep all over the room- AAH! DUCK AND COVER! DUCK AND COVER! -tips a table over and hides behind it, protected from the peep pieces-

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Awww! ^^ Living is so cute when she's violent! *giggles*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *tries to eat at the peices of peep in the air with oversized mouth.*

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: *shakes his head at all the tomfoolery*

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: hello there everyone!!!

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: heyas aki

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: what were we doing ????

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: AKIIIIII!! *tackleshugglesglomps aki* ^^

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: *falls over* ouch...@.@

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -is still hiding behind the tipped table- We're dodging peep pieces because they're sticky!

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: *waddles over to aki and gives her a chibi hug*

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: Oo lots of hugs for today....

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -is still hiding from the flying peep pieces- I'd hug you too, but I'm hiding fromt the flying peep pieces! -ducks to miss one, turns to watch it splat against the wall, and turns back to get a face full of peep- Aah! I'm hit! -falls over on the ground and acts dead- x.X

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: As you can see, lots of silliness

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *falls over from too many peeps*

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: yeah...and peeps as the candy?

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -wipes peep stuff of my face, and moves over to where everyone's gathered-...what?

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: that's what i'm hoping

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: YAY!!!*eats all flying peeps*

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -shakes head- It's fun for a while, then somebody gets hurt...then it's funny. ^_^ I'm mean, aren't I?

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *ish a chibi with living and ish still hugging and loving on Aki* ^^

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: *turns chibi to follow the crowed.*

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: -stays normal- So, how's it, Aki?

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: good!!

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Whats it...exactly

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: What?

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: *eating peeps*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Exactly

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: ^_______________________________^

2007-06-11 [Lin-tastic]: ...MEOW!

2007-06-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: MUNKEES IN A WEDDING DRESSS!!! O.O' *hides*

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: Dragons in a toga!"Hides with black cat.*

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: Green Stripe in a speedo! *hides behind a table*

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: well, im out for the day, cya guys tomorrow

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: cya

2007-06-11 [Artsy]: wait, speedo? *looks at kid warily and takes a step away*

2007-06-12 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Yeah.. o.o'' yikes.. *hides again* ><'

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: NYA!

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: Hey! I look good in a speedo...........right?

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: ........

2007-06-12 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: erm... *turns and runs away* >.>

2007-06-12 [Artsy]: hunny, nobody looks good in a speedo.. unless youre SUUUUUPER skinny...

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: *puts normal clothes back on* FINE!

2007-06-12 [Artsy]: wow, now you look cute *kisses your cheek*

2007-06-12 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: bleck! ><' *covers eyes*

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: Is it because my hugs not drugs t-shirt?

2007-06-12 [Artsy]: yes *is wearing her own Pride shirt* yay drugfree!

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: Oo

2007-06-12 [Lin-tastic]: -has on a 'friends don't let friends drive drunk' t-shirt- yeah, I agree. ^_^ -huggles kid and LA-

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: XD thats cool.

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: haha

2007-06-12 [Lin-tastic]: -nibbles on random carrot as ears turn into bunny ears and a bunny tail pops out- Yumm!

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: awww! cute!*glomps and huggles*

2007-06-12 [Lin-tastic]: -is glomped and huggled, falling over- Do you want a carrot?

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: Kicks himself in the head* its soo fun!

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: no thanks.^_^*huggles*

2007-06-12 [Lin-tastic]: -continues nibbling and huggling, enjoying myself immensely- Anyone wanna make a random RP where we do whatever we want to?

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: already have that.randomness is the soul.^_^

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: ...That sounds fun. just like were doing now but on a clean wiki page hehe.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: actually its been up for a while.^_^

2007-06-12 [Artsy]: @.@ dazamn. my head hurts

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: from what?

2007-06-12 [Artsy]: reading the randomness

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: XD yeah, [spongezim invaderpants] is the master of all randomness though.he is random even at school!!XD *known eachother for over 9 years*

2007-06-12 [Artsy]: wow... i kind of want to apply to the randomness, but i don' think i'm random enough ^^''

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: [Nekko fox] Is more random than my old self... and thats saying something.

2007-06-12 [Artsy]: wee, ja, do, si, yeah...

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: thats cool.^_^ well, aply, me and [spongezim invaderpants] are the judges.^_^

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